
The shift to ebooks, redux

You'll recall I mentioned a couple of entries ago that I'd signed up to a website (novelrank.com) that purported to give me a reasonable estimate of the sales of my books on Amazon in a number of territories, and that if those figures were in any way accurate, then the ebook editions of my books were outselling the physical editions, sometimes by quite a considerable percentage. That seems to be borne out by this recent article in The Bookseller ('Ebook sales begin to cannibalize print':

"The data, released as part of a seminar held yesterday with Enders Analysis, 'Digital Seminar: e-books and their impact on the market', showed genres such as science fiction and romance are “overperforming” thanks to the tastes of early adopters of e-books. For example, the e-book market share of the science fiction and fantasy sector globally for the 10 weeks since June was 10%, more than treble the genre’s market share of print book sales. The share taken by romance and saga books was 14%, seven times its print market share."

Which does seem to suggest that the observation of my ebook sales, as being notably higher than my paperback or hardback sales, isn't too far off the mark.


Gary Baker said...

Was wondering if you've produced, or had produced, audio versions of your books and, if so, have you noticed any changes in sales due to downloads etc.

Gary Gibson, science fiction writer said...

Hi Gary, nope, no audio versions yet. That probably won't happen unless I get approached by someone like Audible.com for the rights to produce them, which might happen, but if so, not yet.