

Erscheinungstermin: April 2009, as they say in Germany.

I do like this cover for the German publication of Stealing Light, and I'll really have to drop a line to Random House/Heyne and ask them very nicely if I can have a larger jpg of this illustration. This came from randomhouse.de's own page for the book, and the title sounds like something you'd shout as a warning to someone in dire and immediate danger. As in, "Run, run! Lichtkrieg!" And I especially like that hint of sunlight creeping stealthily around the side of a doomed planet ...


Anonymous said...

Lichtkreig.......it sounds like some really emo german band doing thrash metal david hasselhoff covers....

Cover does look cool i have to say and now you can have a german fan base....bet you have always wanted one!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I have a thing about covers (to the point that I've refused to buy a book because of a bad one) and this is one that I'd gladly have on my shelf, regardless of the fact that I can't read it.