
cover for Stealing Light
And there it is: the cover for the new book. I actually got this through a while back, but with everything else that's been going on in my life - sciatica, trying to find a new day-job - the opportunity somehow got passed by. It's sort of weird seeing the cover of a book (at least it is, for me) when you've not actually finished it; previously the book itself was always a 'done deal' prior to the artwork.

The cover art is by Lee Gibbons, who also did a lot of covers for Ken MacLeod, amongst many others. It's not as abstract as previous cover designs, given that it does illustrate a specific scene in the story. Overall, I'm pretty pleased.


Anonymous said...

Gary............I would buy the book for the cover alone .........if any indication of what is between the cover you have another hit on your hands. I would expect nothing less. Townsend.

Chris Gilmour said...

That looks great, I'll know what to look for in the shops

Anonymous said...

Yeah that mix of high tech with a soupcon of scorpion is certainly arresting. Definitely worth a few thousand extra copies.


paul f cockburn said...

That looks sooo good. (Sorry, the "o" key's a bit stiff on this keyboard. Huh, a keyboard that thinks it's an art critic.)

Very nice; does it come in 3D as well?

Gary Gibson, science fiction writer said...

RE: 3D. I was going to suggest Tor instead do a scratch n'sniff version of the cover, but I suspect they might veto that one.

Anonymous said...

Great cover, it couldn't be anything but a "big explosions in a nebula" kind of sf opera