
Finished the edits on Angel Stations yesterday morning still bleary from staying out late the night before; another marathon session in front of an increasingly geriatric laptop which I keep having to squint at, interspersed with bouts of tapping at the screen until it snaps back to being more readable.

It is a very old laptop, and not long for this world, I fear. I celebrated the end of the edits by listening to Henry Rollins spoken-word performances on earphones late into Sunday night, which caused sufficient cackling, gurgling and sniggering to elicit semi-comatose glares from Mandy.

I am being queried by Mr Asher - and hello Neal, if you're reading this - over in the author's forum at www.toruk.com, in the 'welcome to tor' section under Neal's name. So you may find me engaged in dialogue there.

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