I've now added some links to the bottom of each entry that will allow anyone reading this to add their own comments, should they wish. Er, that's if anybody is reading this, that is ...
A quiet day back at work. IE, I'm still skint (that means poor, if anyone's wondering). Still a grand and a half in the bank though, so I won't starve any time soon. I have a neat idea for a short story, assuming I actually sit down and write the thing - or think of a decent story line for it. In the meantime, I'll just get back to staring at the tentative chapter-by-chapter outline of Against Gravity and see how it's looking.
And look at this writer who sold his internet novel for real money. I'm envious, really I am. Maybe I should put Touched by an Angel up, the same way ...
Funniest thing I've seen all year already: this at the Apple website, but read this first.
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