
Good News for you Hardback Completists

I'd thought it was going to take much longer for the hardback of Doomsday Game to show up on Amazon, but lo and behold, it's live.

I might as well mention I've already published the paperback of Doomsday Game in advance of the ebook release in a few day's time. At the moment it's mainly available only through Amazon, but it's possible you could get it through a local bookshop if you want to support their business.

The same goes for the hardback, by the way. If you do want to order the hardback in particular from a bookshop rather than just online from Amazon, use the ISBN when placing your order: 978-9574364596.

Here's the link for the hardback on Amazon UK and on Amazon US.

...and here's the link for the paperback on Amazon UK and Amazon US.

And I might as well drop in a universal link for the Kindle pre-order that'll land you up in whatever Amazon serves you. mybook.to/DoomsdayGameKindle.

That's right: I'm doing a simultaneous release of all three formats so you can pick whichever one you prefer.

Keep in mind, by the way, that the ebook will also be available through Kobo, Google Play, and others, and that the cheapest place to get the hardback, if you're particularly price conscious, is always going to be here

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