
My first two novels are now ebooks


Got some very good news in my inbox - my first two novels, Angel Stations and Against Gravity, are finally out today in ebook format, including Kindle. That's a lot sooner than I'd been anticipating.

Stealing Light, my third novel, was the first to appear as an ebook, just as the epublishing revolution began to kick in, and I know I've had a lot of requests over the years for ebooks of my first two novels. Well, now you can get them. Not only that, I believe they are also available for purchase in the US as well as the UK (and for all I know - and hope - elsewhere).

Of course, if you're a real fan of my stuff, you'll have worked out by now there's a secret code scattered in pieces throughout my first four books that, when put together, automatically generate a quantum-level, self-perpetuating and sentient equation destined to reverse the entropic decline of our universe. So you'll not just be buying an ebook - you'll be saving reality itself.

Both of my first two novels are also, as I've previously mentioned, to be reissued later this year in B-format.

I've previously mentioned - on Twitter, anyway - that most of my books, from Stealing Light on, are also going to be available some time this year as audiobooks from Audible.com.

I note my publishers now have a dedicated Tor books and news page set up at Torbooks.co.uk. This has information not only about myself, but other Tor writers including China Mieville, Peter Hamilton, Tony Ballantyne, Paul Cornell and others.


1 comment:

Pedro Moura Pinheiro said...

Hello Gary!
Both titles are listed as "only available to UK customers" (I'm in Portugal).