I'm all for innovation in fiction, but here's why We Tell Stories doesn't work, and why I don't expect the website to still be around in a year's time, if even that long. Fiction is a passive experience; the internet is an interactive experience. If you tell a story where you keep having to click 'next' just to watch a silly blue line scroll across a map, you lose your reader in five minutes flat, because it's a hell of a lot more 'immersive' to just read the damn story without any whistles and bells attached. That's why ereaders have proved so popular, despite their prohibitive cost and associated software/format problems; they come the closest to recreating the passive experience of reading an actual paper book. I don't want to have to come up with the names of characters for stories, because that's the writer's job, to draw me into a world of their creation. If I have to keep coming up with names, I'm going to get annoyed and bored. Which I did, by the way. Don't believe me? Next time you're in the pub and someone's telling a really good story, see if it's improved by them showing you a google map of where they went on that particular day. Er, no.
That's not to say I'm entirely against it. Like I say, innovation is a good thing, and experimenting is always worthwhile. However, as most scientists will tell you, most experiments provide 'fail' results. Where I can see some of these fiction models working is with very young children, where story-time is in fact a collaborative process between child and parent. I'd have loved something like this as a wee kid, and obviously slanted for my age. But 'We Tell Stories', I'm afraid, isn't it, and what particularly set alarm bells ringing was a Mr Hon's statement (according to the BBC report where I first learned of the site, anyway) that '"E-books are boring - they are just taking a manuscript and turning it into a PDF.'
Oh dear. And I suppose reading is a bit boring too, isn't it, Mr Hon? Here's the deal; if you need bells and whistles to persuade you to sit down and read a story, then frankly, nothing's going to make you want to read it. Not even that, er, great aid to reading, Google Maps.