
This is quite neat; Tor UK have come up with an online game based on fellow Tor author Neal Asher's new book 'Voyage of the Sable Keech' - though I haven't actually had time to play around with it: and it's just as interesting as an indicator of the different ways publishers can promote their books now.

What next - Ambergris MMORPG? Vellum card decks? Against Gravity shoot 'em up? All of the above, dammit. The finest java applications available to humanity!


Lawrence said...

Vellum card decks?

They would have to be tarot cards, of course.

Lawrence said...

Vellum card decks?

They would have to be tarot cards, of course.

Anonymous said...

I've managed to get up to level four, where I felt like a bird that just flew into a wind farm, but no further.

Have you seen the graphic for one of Wil McCarthy's books? http://wilmccarthy.com/cfglobe.htm

Neal Asher