
So at last, long last, more reviews for Against Gravity are starting to come in. One enormous review in Locus' December issue (almost two thousand words, over one and a half pages!), and another due, hopefully soon, in Interzone.

The Locus review is kind of weird, since it doesn't so much review the book as it does, er, my career, via this blog. It's more than a little strange seeing bits of my life extensively quoted in Locus magazine, let me tell you, like some weird fever-dream from before I even had a book deal. But what's downright scary is that people like Damien Broderick - author of the review - have clearly read the whole damn blog. And taken notes.

Scary. Anyway, here's a snippet:

Glaswegian Gibson's interesting achievement -- prompted by Rudy Rucker's logs of several recent books -- is to convey a likeable personality, beginning, in Gibson's case, pretty much at the bottom of the pecking order, then catapulted through his own wit and effort into startling success, with two widely praised novels published by the British arm of US science-fiction giant Tor Books.

Reading through his apparently unedited blog is something every would-be writer could profit by, starting with his early thematic statement of what was then a very inchoate outline that would become, change by accreted change, Against Gravity ... If the novel we're reading is a sort of Frankenstein Harrows Hell, then the blog is Cinderella, with Gibson in a self-mocking, candid role as Buttons, perhaps.

Anyway, there's a couple of words in there I can skim out to stick up in the 'reviews' column over there on the right of your screen (like 'Gibson is a writer to watch, not least on the white screen', though I'll wait until the Interzone review comes rolling in before I do that. He has some problems with my prose style, but that's okay, I have problems with my prose style. If I didn't, I'd be worried. Like my agent reminds me, I've only got my second book out, and for most writers, that's early days indeed. But there's definitely some food for thought in there.


paul f cockburn said...

What about the gerbils? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that book getting good reviews. I thought it very good. Here's a mention on Asimov's, little enough as it is (plus my own): http://www.asimovs.com/discus/messages/5/3999.html?1134764259

Worth a reply to Jorn Grote?

Neal Asher

Gary Gibson, science fiction writer said...

That's cool Neal, thanks for pointing that one out. And thanks for your kind comments, by the way. ksu

Gary Gibson, science fiction writer said...

It's true Paul, as I said, MJ's gerbils are now immortalised in the pages of Locus. How weird is that ... (not to forget they also got a passing mention in Angel Stations. Yes, I'm that cheesy. They're in a home-made petting zoo on board a space station.)