
Doomsday Game is Published Today

It's out! Doomsday Game is now available in hardback, paperback and ebook formats, so take your pick of whichever you prefer. I really hope you enjoy it - I've spent the better part of half a decade with these characters, and I'm sorry to finally say goodbye to them.

Where to get it: the ebook is widely available, while the paperback is available primarily through Amazon. It may be possible to order it through independent bookstores if you want to give them your business. The ISBN is 978-9574364589.

The hardback (ISBN 978-9574364596) should be much more widely available - it's now listed on Barnes and Noble's website, next to the Nook version, as well as on Amazon, and is very likely a lot of other places too.

The cheapest place to get the hardback is still here.

The ebook is available through Amazon, Apple Books, Nook and Kobo. There may be others, but those are the main ones.

And don't forget to write a review - authors really need them. Even just writing "I liked it" is enough.